Monday, October 24, 2016

The Caverns of Kalte – Attempt 1, Part 6

The Caverns of Kalte – Attempt 1, Part 6

Aside : I reject any criticism of a spotty posting schedule, because yesterday my foot was, to be blunt :


The moral of the story is, when walking out to your car on the day of (1) your daughter’s school fete and (2) your business partner’s 60th birthday party, don’t slip and break the 5th metatarsal of your left foot.

Well, at least I can enjoy the fact that the Australian health system means that I got (1) Consult (2) X-ray (3) Moon boot (4) Crutches (5) Specialist opinion, for the grand total price of $53.00.

Back to Lone Wolf.

I’ve emerged into a massive hall covered with ‘animal tracks and bones’, while also seeing that the northern wall is a completely smooth granite wall, which is clearly one of the outer walls of the Ikaya ice fortress!  I’ve made it!  And by made it, I mean reached the REAL tricky part of the adventure!  I might even make it back to the Cardonal before it sails off and abandons me!

Project Aon link – Ikaya entrance

I spy a door which is the apparent (!) entrance to Ikaya, and can either dash towards it or pause to examine the floor.  Taking my time is always preferable, so I check out the floor, because at the rate I’m going, I’ll probably find the super-weapon necessary to capture and immobilise Vonotar!

I find a Diamond (note the capital ‘D’, I guess) and pocket it, because even a Kai Guardian has an eye for the precious stones.


Oooh – shiny!

As I reach the door (to Ikaya), in a moment that is (let’s face it) a carbon copy of the encounter in Lord of the Rings which takes place at the entrance to the mines of Moria, the ice crystals around the room rise up and crystallize into some kind of ice serpent that seems to want to introduce its teeth to my throat!

I could evade the creature and try to rush towards the door, but what fun would that be!?

I rather elect to fight the ‘Crystal Frostwyrm’.

Project Aon link – Crystal Frostwyrm

Crystal Frostwyrm : CS – 15, E 30

Lone Wolf : CS : 27, E : 22

I defeat this beast without losing any Endurance, and then note that, after it dies, it melts away until nothing is left but an Ornate Silver Key (!).  I try to keep it (the Key, not the Frostwyrm), but it is apparently acidic, and I lose 1 (!!) whole point of Endurance before I can stow it as a Special Item.

I now turn my attention to the door.  It has no apparent way of forcing entry, save and except for a receptacle in the shape of a triangle!!


I quickly shove my Blue Stone triangle into the gap, and the door immediately opens (to a gap of about three feet) before closing again.  Luckily, I take the opportunity of, not only dashing through the gap, but retrieving my Blue Stone Triangle.

Short post but, you know, crippled and all that.


Base Stats : CS : 17, E : 20, GC 14

Modified Stats : CS : 27, E : 22

Weapons : Sommerswerd (+8 CS), Mace

Backpack : Meal (x5), Healing Potion (+3 E), Laumspur Portion (+5 E), Laumspur Potion (+4E)

Special Items : Map, Crystal Star, Shield (+2 CS), Sommerswerd, Padded Waistcoat (+2 E), Blue Stone Triangle Pendant, Diamond, Ornate Special Key

Kai Rank : Guardian

Kai Disciplines : Camouflage, Animal Kinship, Tracking, Hunting, Sixth Sense, Healing, Mind Over Matter

Gamebook blogs

October 24, 2016 at 05:01AM

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