Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Caverns of Kalte – Attempt 1, Part 3

The Caverns of Kalte – Attempt 1, Part 3


As we move forward through this frozen wasteland the next day, some ominous flavour text mentions that the ice shelf, over time, becomes ragged and broken, and (in a development that is MUCH better to read than to actually go through) we have to periodically unpack the sledges and manhandle them across various ridges and cracks.

Just hearing about that makes me :


You said it, little buddy.

Before long, the cracks become crevasses, which require significant delicacy and judgement in crossing.

Thankfully, a certain presidential candidate isn’t along.

Aside : Has anyone commented on the fact that neither of the major party candidates for US President is a man?  No?  Oh well.

Finally, our team reaches a crevasse eight feet wide.  Our sledges are ten feet long and can theoretically bridge the gap, but if the ice shelf on either side breaks, we could lose the bulk of our equipment.  The choices are therefore to either use the (unloaded) sledges as a bridge, or to alternatively jump across (!) with the dogs, and then pull the sledges behind us.


Jumping across actually sounds like the less risky move.  At worst (assuming we can jump eight feet) we might lose some equipment.  But if the edge collapses while walking over, we could lose the lives of one or more of our group.

We might as well jump.




Thanks, I’ll see myself out….

[Tries to decide if that was better or worse than the ‘Force-Lady’ joke]

Irian and Dyce make the jump, while roped up.  I’m next, and have to make an R10 check. I get a 2 which, with my +2 Hunting bonus, is (just) enough to make it to the other side.

We then ascend the 800 foot (!) glacier without further incident, although the dogs act like my children and constantly fight amongst themselves and are generally disruptive.  The food supply is also damaged significantly.

But hey, we got some scenery.


That night’s camp is uneventful and we continue travelling for another ‘three days and nights’, which is dealt with briefly in one part of one sentence.

Another part of the trip that is much more relaxing to read about than live through.

Aside : At least its not as bad as that IDIOTIC part of the Twilight sequel (New Moon) where there are LITERALLY FOUR BLANK PAGES to represent four months where ‘not much happens’.  Goodness gracious, a ten-year-old’s essay would get an F for that ridiculous device.



I’m okay now.

And after this seemingly idyllic interlude, we take our bearings to discover that we’ve veered too far east and are now confronted by the charmingly named Mykjavik mountains.


There are two unpalatable solutions : We can either abandon (!) the dogs and sledges, and continue over the mountains on foot, or retrace our steps to the glacier (losing two days in the process) and pick up the path from there.

Given that we are actually going to have to also return from our destination, abandoning our primary means of transport appears like madness.  I grit my teeth and tell my posse that we’re going to have to retrace our steps.

I’ll summarise the next paragraph by saying that the travel is ‘sheer hell’ and that we actually lose one sledge due to damage, although we do salvage the supplies and equipment that were on it.

After another night’s camp (following the two days’ travel) we wake up to see that Ikaya is now only (!) forty miles away.

We set off with renewed enthusiasm.

I hope.


Base Stats : CS : 17, E : 20, GC 14

Modified Stats : CS : 27, E : 22

Weapons : Sommerswerd (+8 CS), Mace

Backpack : Meal (x5), Healing Potion (+3 E), Laumspur Portion (+5 E), Laumspur Potion (+4E)

Special Items : Map, Crystal Star, Shield (+2 to CS), Sommerswerd, Padded Waistcoat (+2 E)

Kai Rank : Guardian

Kai Disciplines : Camouflage, Animal Kinship, Tracking, Hunting, Sixth Sense, Healing, Mind Over Matter

Final paragraph : 117

Gamebook blogs

via LONE WOLF PLAYTHROUGH http://ift.tt/2cxEuPL

October 18, 2016 at 03:36AM

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